Thursday, March 24, 2011

Point Of View

For the point of view project i attempted to shoot photos from a different perspective in Washington D.C. I shot everywhere from the air and space museum, the lincoln memorial, to the white house. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

yellowish green

yerrrppppp. unlike dan's lie, im the one with that vintage swag. For my vintage travel poster i was lucky to have found a photo of a nice looking Hawaiian female doing that hula right quick. Using a tutorial i was able to turn the photo into a painting. by duplicating the image and making four layers i can make one of then a cutout another dry brush and make the last one noise to 12 i was able to accomplish my masterpiece. then it was onto illustrator where i made the poster have the catchiest slogan there ever was, "the islands await" (dundundunnn) This poster would definately make any handsome, good looking person visit hawaii.

Friday, March 11, 2011